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CFP: Platform Ukraine Conference 2015

Platform Ukraine, a multidisciplinary attempt to analyse the Ukraine crisis of 2014 and the post-Soviet space more broadly, welcomes proposals for its 2015 conference. The project aims to provide a unified resource and network of academics studying the area. The conference will also mark the one-year anniversary of the project, which has been running since May 2014. The panels will be the culmination of a year of workshops and other events that have attempted to push the boundaries of interdisciplinarity.

The conference will take place on June 5th and 6th 2015 at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), London. We invite multidisciplinary proposals that attempt to use novel research methods in order to improve and advance cooperation between various disciplines. Such methods combined with interdisciplinarity can help provide common perspectives on the area, as well as a much-needed layer of objectivity. 

The conference will be organised around the following themes:

·       Arts & literature in times of crisis

·       Social change & judicial reform

·       Nationalism & identity

·       Methodological issues (studying the post-socialist region; studying conflict/post--conflict areas)

·       Everyday (and gendered) experiences of protest & conflict

·       Interpreting the post-socialist space

·       Corruption

·       Health

·       Energy

·       Formal & informal structures of power

We welcome proposals from all disciplines listed below:

·       Anthropology

·       Art

·       Biology

·       Business

·       Chemistry

·       Economics

·       Finance

·       Film

·       Geography

·       Health science

·       History

·       International relations

·       Law

·       Linguistics

·       Literature

·       Mathematics

·       Media studies

·       Medicine

·       Philosophy

·       Political science

·       Psychology

·       Sociology

We are particularly interested in contributions that expand on the themes developed during Platform Ukraine’s workshop series (see for a list), but will also welcome panels that propose to explore new themes from a multidisciplinary perspective. We invite any researchers with novel or particularly relevant methodological approaches to apply and to present. Platform Ukraine has featured an ongoing blog about its work, as well as numerous collaborations. The outcomes of this conference will be published in a special issue of a journal (details to be confirmed). It is hoped that the event will help frame the Ukrainian crisis in a larger context, both spatially and temporally, and to build a multidisciplinary academic resource on the topic. The conference will be held in English.

Proposal Information 

We invite proposals for individual papers or panels. Panels must be highly interdisciplinary based on the strict criteria adhered to by the project (see previous events for examples). Individual papers should be as multidisciplinary as possible or should use novel methodology that can be applied in other disciplines. Applications must include:

·       Contact information: the name, email and academic affiliation of the applicant.

·       An abstract no longer than 400 words.

·       A biographical statement no longer than 200 words written in narrative format (in the form of a paragraph) rather than a CV.

·       For panel proposals, a 400-word description of the panel alongside panellists’ names, affiliation and contact details, and a 400-word abstract (including brief a biographical statement) for each paper giver.

Paper proposals should be submitted here:

Panel proposals should be submitted here: 

The deadline for proposals is 5pm GMT on February 15th 2015. Applicants will be notified about selection by the end of March 2015 at the latest.

Funding: Limited travel funding is available for the conference. Accommodation arrangements may be possible through partner organisations. Please feel free to contact if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your proposal.