
The Twentieth-Century Study Group met annually for a two-day conference at Mansfield College, Oxford in September between 2000 and 2008. In 2000, the study group devoted its meeting at Mansfield College to 'exile and emigration'. In 2001 there was a symposium on the Booker Prize in Bristol in July. In 2002, a conference held in Oxford was devoted to Contemporary Women's Writing. The 2003 conference was devoted to the theme of Literature and Nation. In 2004 the conference addressed 'Chekhov's Legacy in Russian Culture of the 20th century and beyond', to mark the centenary of Chekhov's death. In 2006 the meeting was devoted to poetry and in 2007 it chose as theme "The Writer as Critic".  In 2008 the conference was devoted to contemporary literature.

The group is currently (2016) seeking a new organizing committee. Please contact Rosalind Marsh (University of Bath) if interested in participating.