Polish Studies Group
The Polish Studies Group is an interdisciplinary, international and non-partisan forum that brings together researchers – including students and independent researchers – as well as teachers and others engaged in Polish studies. The Group aims to promote discussion about critical perspectives emerging in the field of Polish studies and encourage the adoption of critical approaches in research. It is intended to advance the place of Polish studies in British academia in general and in BASEES in particular. It also makes a contribution to Polish studies worldwide.
The Group seeks to foster research collaboration and exchange of ideas and expertise between those engaged in Polish studies through organization of series of events.
By arranging workshop sessions for postgraduate students, the Group aims to support scholars preparing for their first research trips to Poland. Via networking events and workshops addressed to early career researchers, it fosters communication and supports grant bidding. Networking within the UK and with academics working in Poland and other countries facilitates the exchange of ideas and dissemination of research outcomes. Additionally, we address the growing popular interest in Poland and its history by inviting members of the public to our events.
The study group is open to colleagues with interest in any field of Polish Studies. To join our mailing list please email Edyta Nowosielska @ en302@cam.ac.uk
Membership in the group is free.
Our constitution can be seen here
Annual PhD-focused workshop held in Manchester
Annual two-day conference organised jointly with University College London SSEES Polish Studies Research Group in September.
Submission of panels for the BASEES Conference.
Competition for the best article/chapter in Polish Studies.
2025 Call for Applications | Registration form
2024 Call for Applications | Registration form
Committee members
Secretary: Janek Gryta, j.gryta@soton.ac.uk
Treasurer: Olena Palko, olena.palko@unibas.ch
Mailing list: Edyta Nowosielska, en302@cam.ac.uk
June, Northern workshop: Ewa Ochman, ewa.ochman@manchester.ac.uk
September conference: Anne White, anne.white@ucl.ac.u
Prize Coordinator: Katarzyna Nowak, katarzyna.nowak@univie.ac.at