Sawyer Seminar Postdoctoral Fellowship 2014-2015 - Carnegie Mellon University.

Sawyer Seminar Postdoctoral Fellowship 2014-2015 - Carnegie Mellon University.

During 2014-15, Professors Wendy Goldman and Joe Trotter, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University, will host a Sawyer Seminar on "The Ghetto: Concept, Conditions, and Connections in Transnational Historical Perspective, from the 11th Century to the Present." It will focus on four case studies of the ghetto: the confinement of European Jews (16th to 19th century), colonial policy in South Africa, Nazi ghettos, and segregation of African Americans. We invite scholars who have received their Ph.D. in or after 2010 and working in any of these four areas to apply for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship to involve regular participation in the Seminar. Send a cover letter, c.v., two letters of reference, writing sample, and a three-to-five page project proposal. The proposal should include a description of research, chapter outline of your dissertation, explanation of its significance to relevant fields, and plans and goals for the fellowship term. Send to Hikari Aday by 20 March 2014. Women and minorities are urged to apply. AA/EOE.

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