Covid-19: BASEES 2020 Cancelled

We very much regret to inform you that, as a result of the rapidly worsening COVID-19 crisis, the BASEES 2020 conference has been postponed until Spring 2021 when it will take place in Glasgow.  Although at the time of writing the UK Government is maintaining a business as usual stance, the growing public health crisis as well as the impact of global travel restrictions have made it impossible for us to hold a conference which puts the safety of our delegates and team first and offers true scholarly value.

We are sorry that we could not take this decision at an earlier stage.  These are difficult and unprecedented times and it was necessary to work with our organisers on  discussions with our venue and other suppliers to make sure we could secure the best financial outcomes for our registered delegates and the BASEES membership.  Our conference team will now begin work contacting delegates regarding arrangements for refunding delegate fees.  We will refund all delegate fees and we will be contacting registered delegates over the next week to organise this.  We have negotiated with the venue who have agreed to refund in full the cost of all bedrooms already booked.  Robinson College will be in touch over the next week regarding this.

Looking to the future, we hope that you will enjoy being in Glasgow in 2021. Once we have carried out all the arrangements for managing the closure of BASEES 2020 we will be placing information about 2021 on the website


We hope that you understand why we have proceeded in the way we have, and we wish you and yours a healthy progression through the forthcoming months.  We very much look forward to seeing you in Glasgow next year.
