ceecon24 (October 7/8, Berlin) Registration is now open

DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies - ceecon - 24 Berlin, October 7 and 8, 2024

Registration is now open

ceecon, the DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies, is the largest multidisciplinary congress on Central and Eastern Europe in the German-speaking realm. It was established in 2022 as a cooperation between the German Association for East European Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde / DGO e.V.) and the Institute for East European Studies (Osteuropa-Institut /OEI) of Freie Universität Berlin.

As an exchange forum for discussing latest research findings, it is an important venue for the international research community on the region. A broad range of sections tackle research questions from a broad variety of topics and methodological approaches. Plenary sessions offer academic exchange on topics relevant to all scholars from the field. A special time slot is reserved for the presentation of research projects by junior scholars.

The main goal of ceecon is to address topics and methodological approaches with a special focus on interdisciplinarity. Therefore, the section are organized thematically. In this way, we would like to promote interdisciplinary exchange and enable discussions about topics relevant to all scholars in the field
