Special Issue: The Global Impact of the Russian Revolution, Revolutionary Russia 31, 2 (2018)

Revolutionary Russia, the journal of the  Study Group on the Russian Revolution (founded in 1975) has published a special issue on ‘The Global Impact of the Russian Revolution’.

Front/back cover of Ezh No. 8, 1930 (LS collection Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven).

Front/back cover of Ezh No. 8, 1930 (LS collection Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven).


Special Issue: The Global Impact of the Russian Revolution


From Lenin’s Overcoat? the Global Impact of the Russian Revolution
Aaron B. Retish and Matthew Rendle 145

Forum: The Global Legacy of the Russian Revolution?

The Global Legacy of the Russian Revolution: A Comparative Perspective
Steven G. Marks 152

The Global Legacy of the Russian Revolution: A Comparative Perspective
Paul Dukes 175

The On-going Legacy of February: A Response to Steven G. Marks
Daniel Orlovsky 189

Centennial Thoughts on an Exhausted (?) Revolution
Christopher Read 194


Interview with S. A. Smith
George Souvlis, Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez and S. A. Smith 208


Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Russian Revolution: Towards a Political Explanation of a Fleeting Romance, 1917–22

Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez 226

Glory to the Russian Maximalists!’ Reactions to the Russian Revolution in Argentina and Brazil, 1917–22
Franziska Yost 247

The Russian Revolution and the Emergence of Japanese Anticommunism
Tatiana Linkhoeva 261

Youthful Internationalism in the Age of ‘Socialism in One Country’: Komsomol’tsy, Pioneers and ‘World Revolution’ in the Interwar Period
Matthias Neumann 279

Book Reviews

Rachel Morley, Performing Femininity: Woman as Performer in Early Russian Cinema
Susan Grant 304

Elizabeth McGuire, Red at Heart: How Chinese Communists Fell in Love with the Russian Revolution
Rachel Lin 306

C. L. R. James, World Revolution 1917–1936. The Rise and Fall of the Communist International
Fredrik Petersson 308

Lynne Viola, Stalinist Perpetrators on Trial. Scenes From the Great Terror in Soviet Ukraine
Immo Rebitschek 310

Melissa Kirschke Stockdale, Mobilizing the Russian Nation: Patriotism and Citizenship
in the First World War
John W. Steinberg 312

Lara Douds, Inside Lenin’s Government: Ideology, Power, and Practice in the Early Soviet
Michael Melancon 314

Boris Gorshkov, Peasants in Russia from Serfdom to Stalin: Accommodation, Survival, Resistance
Kieran Nelson 316

List of Russian Publications, 2018 319


The Non-Geometric Carter Elwood (1936–2018): An Appreciation
Lars T. Lih 323 
