Professor Stephen Smith wins Alexander Nove Prize for 'Russia in Revolution'

BASEES is delighted to announce that the Alexander Nove Prize, 2017, to be awarded at the 2019 Annual Conference, will go to Professor Stephen Smith (University of Oxford) for Russia in Revolution. An Empire in Crisis 1890 to 1928 (Oxford University Press 2017). The judges’ citation reads as follows:

Stephen Smith’s book provides a masterful account of Russia’s revolutionary period. The book addresses the big questions that emerge from the tumultuous decades that encompassed the collapse of Tsarism, the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and Stalin’s rise. At the same time, the book gives insights into the real experience of the Russian people during the revolutionary years, discussing the ways in which revolution transformed the lives of young people and women. This is a book on a broad canvas, illuminating political, social, economic and cultural issues to provide a comprehensive understanding of these crucial years in Russia’s history. It will become the definitive account of the Russian revolution

Jury: Prof. Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester and Prof. Peter Waldron, University of East Anglia

The Alexander Nove Prize for scholarly work of high quality in Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies was established by decision of the annual general meeting of the Association in March 1995 in recognition of the outstanding contribution to its field of study made by the late Alexander Nove.
